Press Release Regarding the Participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs to the 41th Meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 18.06.2014

No: 200, 18 June 2014

Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E Mr. Ahmet Davutoglu will pay a visit to Jeddah on 18 June to participate in the 41th Meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. He will return to Turkey on the same day, following his participation in the meeting and bilateral contacts.

The issues on the agenda of the OIC, especially the developments in Iraq and the situation in Syria, as well as the Muslim Turkish Tatar people of Crimea, Palestine and the problems of Muslim communities and minorities in non-OIC States will be discussed during the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers.

Foreign Minister Davutoğlu will address current bilateral and regional issues, particularly developments related to Iraq, in the bilateral meetings that he will hold with the Foreign Ministers of some OIC-member States in Jeddah.