Press Release Regarding the Second Round of Presidential Elections in Afghanistan

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 14.06.2014

No: 197, 14 June 2014

We welcome the completion in a safe and peaceful environment of the second round of Presidential Elections that have been held in Afghanistan on 14 June 2014.

The turnout in the Presidential Elections, which constitute an important stage in the country’s political transition process and which will be decisive in Afghanistan’s future, has reconfirmed the importance that the people of Afghanistan attaches to lasting stability, their will to act in unity and solidarity and Afghanistan's determination to stand on its own feet. Moreover, the successful organization of the elections also carries significance as an indicator of the performance of Afghan institutions.

We are confident that the election process will be completed on schedule and that the new Government to be formed will embrace all segments of the brotherly people of Afghanistan and take further steps towards bringing peace, stability and prosperity to the country.

Turkey will maintain its solidarity with the friendly and brotherly people of Afghanistan in line with the goal of promoting peace and stability in Afghanistan and will continue to work in close collaboration with the new Government, building on the sound foundations of our bilateral relations.