Press Release Regarding the Terrorist Attacks Perpetrated in the Nigerian States of Borno and Adamawa

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 07.06.2014

No: 191, 7 June 2014

We are deeply saddened by the terrorist attacks perpetrated on 1-5 June 2014 in the States of Borno and Adamawa in Nigeria, which targeted the civilian population, public buildings and churches and caused hundreds of deaths and injuries.

As a country always emphasizing that no purpose or excuse can justify terrorist actions, we also condemn in the strongest terms these attacks executed with vicious methods.

We believe that the people of Nigeria will act in solidarity and unity in the face of terrorist attacks aimed at deteriorating the environment of peace and security in their country and hope that such violent incidents that have recently been in an upward trend will end as soon as possible.