Press Release Regarding the Establishment of the National Unity Government in Palestine

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 02.06.2014

No: 183, 2 June 2014

We welcome the Palestinian national unity government, established today within the framework of the agreement reached previously between the delegations of Fatah and Hamas, and congratulate all of our Palestinian brothers.

The unity of the Palestinian people is essential for the establishment of a just and viable peace in the region. The formation of the new government has been the first step in eliminating the division between the Palestinians. We believe that the arrangements within the Palestine Liberation Organization and the elections expected in the forthcoming period will strengthen democratic legitimacy in Palestine. We call on the international community to support this development aimed at uniting the national democratic will of the Palestinian people.

Turkey will continue to support a just and lasting peace in the region based on a two-state vision and to remain in solidarity with the brotherly Palestinian people in their struggle to have an independent and sovereign state.