Press Release Regarding the Armed Attack Perpetrated in Front of the Jewish Museum in Brussels

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 28.05.2014

No: 175, 28 May 2014

We condemn the armed attack perpetrated in front of the Jewish Museum in Brussels on 24 May 2014 and express our condolences to the family members and relatives of the four people who lost their lives.

We understand that the investigation concerning the attack is underway. We would like to hope that the attack was not motivated on racial grounds and that it wasn't of an anti-Semitic nature. Otherwise, our concerns with regard to the disquieting outcome of the European Parliament elections would further grow. We support the Belgian Government's efforts towards arresting the perpetrators of this attack in the shortest possible time and shedding light on the reasons of this heinous incident.

On this occasion, we would like to stress that as in the past, Turkey will continue its efforts towards preventing all kinds of religious intolerance and xenophobia posing a threat, provocation or violence to humanity.