Press Release Regarding the Establishment of the New Libyan Government

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 27.05.2014

No: 170, 27 May 2014

We hope that the government of Prime Minister Mayteq which obtained a vote of confidence in the General National Congress on 25 May 2014 will ensure peace, reconciliation and stability in friendly and brotherly Libya. We also hope that the new government will carry Libya safely to the next parliamentary elections.

The peaceful completion of the democratic transition process by maintaining the achievements of the revolution for which the people of Libya have paid a heavy price and the preservation of the integrity of the democratic institutions of Libya are of great importance. We believe that there is ever more need for the people of Libya to be in unity and solidarity and to resolve their problems through dialogue during the transition process.

Turkey, as always, will continue to provide every kind of support to friendly and brotherly Libya and to be in solidarity with all segments of the Libyan population in the forthcoming period.