Press Release Regarding the Presidential Election in Ukraine

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 26.05.2014

No: 169, 26 May 2014

We welcome the holding of Presidential Elections with a broad popular participation in Ukraine, our neighbor and strategic partner, on May 25th. We congratulate the Ukrainian people for their demonstration of democratic maturity and will through their high level of participation in the elections for the sake of unity, stability and future of their country.

There is no doubt that the elections which have been monitored by observers from international organizations and from various countries were conducted in a free and fair manner in compliance with democratic standards. The results of the elections, which have also been monitored by observers from Turkey both within international organizations and on bilateral basis, reflect the choice and the will of the people.

In this framework, we believe that the legitimate and democratic mandate obtained by the office of the President has created a very significant opportunity to overcome the long-lasting crisis in the country through a participatory and meaningful dialogue process that includes all segments of the society and all regions of Ukraine. We hope this dialogue process which in fact was launched through round table meetings prior to elections shall, from now on be further reinforced by the political will and determination of the new President and shall provide the basis for a reconciliation where the demands and concerns of all segments of the society are satisfied. For this purpose, it is imperative to put an end to acts contravening the law, occupations and all kinds of illegal violence that disturb public order and to express one’s demands in democratic platforms.

It is our paramount wish that the ongoing crisis in Ukraine is resolved through dialogue, that political stability is reestablished and that Ukraine starts advancing on the path to prosperity and economic development. Our region, as well as all related countries will benefit from this. In this process, Turkey will continue to be in close cooperation and share its experiences in different areas with Ukraine.

On this occasion, we once again emphasize our view that the de facto situation in Crimea, home to 300,000 of our kinsmen, should be settled through diplomatic channels within the framework of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and international law, including the protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms.