Press Release Regarding the Attack Perpetrated against the Federal Parliament of Somalia

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 25.05.2014

No: 166, 25 May 2014

We were saddened by the news of the death or injury of a large number of Somalis as a result of the attack perpetrated yesterday (24 May 2014) against the building of the Federal Parliament of Somalia. We strongly condemn this attack that targeted the democratically elected legitimate representatives of the people of Somalia during their parliamentary work. We wish God’s mercy upon those who lost their lives in the attack, convey our condolences to their relatives, and hope for a speedy recovery of those injured.

Terrorism is a crime against humanity. It cannot be excused or condoned under any pretext. International cooperation is the most powerful way to fight terrorism.

In the face of this heinous terrorist attack, we express once again our strong feelings of solidarity with the Federal Parliament and the people of brotherly Somalia.