Press release regarding the attack perpetrated against the Personnel of the Turkish Consulate General in Mosul

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 25.05.2014

No: 165, 25 May 2014

A roadside bomb was detonated during the passage of a motorcade carrying the Turkish Consul General in Mosul and other officers from the Consulate General on Mosul-Erbil highway on 24 May. The personnel of the Consulate General and security officers survived the attack without injury.

As it will be remembered, members of this Consulate have been targeted in four similar attacks in the last two years. Likewise, Turkish Embassy in Baghdad and Consulate General in Basra have also been targeted in the recent past. It is indeed concerning that none of the perpetrators has been brought to justice to this day.

We expect Iraqi authorities to shed light on this latest incident by investigating it immediately and seriously, find its perpetrators, and take all necessary precautions to protect Turkish diplomatic and consular missions.