Press Release Regarding the Attacks Perpetrated in the Nigerian City of Jos

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 21.05.2014

No: 155, 21 May 2014

We have learned with deep sorrow that according to initial reports, more than a hundred people lost their lives and many more were injured in the explosions which occurred in the Nigerian city of Jos. We strongly condemn these attacks targeting the friendly people of Nigeria, convey our condolences to the Nigerian State and its people and wish a speedy recovery to the injured.

We hope that the terrorist attacks aimed at damaging political and social stability in the country with a recently intensified level of violence will come to an end without delay.

Turkey will continue to support, by all available means, the efforts towards a long-awaited environment of security and peace in Nigeria and to be in solidarity with the people of Nigeria in their fight against terrorism.