Statement of the Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in response to a question concerning the application on compensation with regard to the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights concerning the fourth Greek Cypriot application.

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 12.05.2014

QA-11, 12 May 2014

The views expressed in our Ministry’s statement issued a day following the deliverance of the judgment by the European Court of Human Rights on May 2001, regarding the fourth application by the Greek Cypriot Administration lodged in 1994 against our country, remain valid.

This time, the Court has adjudicated the application made by the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus regarding compensation nine years after its judgment on the merits of the case. It is also noteworthy that this application which was submitted by the Greek Cypriot side, in a manner far from good faith, in 2010, when negotiations for a comprehensive settlement were underway, has been concluded at a stage where efforts intensified for a successful outcome in the negotiations. It is observed that this judgment goes against the realities of Cyprus, is unfair; contains errors and inconsistencies, deprived of a legal basis and lacks the capacity of being implemented under the conditions in which the Cyprus question continues to be unsettled.

This unfair and unjust judgment of the Court, which also constitutes a new miscarriage of justice, will not be able to prevent Turkey from maintaining her committed stance towards finding a just and lasting negotiated settlement to the Cyprus issue.

We hope that this judgment will not impede the efforts within the framework of UN Secretary General’s Good Offices Mission and invite all parties to support the success of the comprehensive settlement negotiations as soon as possible.