Press Release Regarding the third “Ministerial Meeting of Syria Neighbouring Countries” to be held in Jordan

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 03.05.2014

No: 137, 3 May 2014

The third “Ministerial Meeting of Syria Neighbouring Countries” will be held in the Zaatari Refugee Camp in Jordan on 4 May 2014 upon the invitation of the Government of Jordan.

During the first ministerial meeting hosted by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Antonio Guterres on 4 September 2013 in Geneva, Foreign Minister Davutoğlu proposed holding the second meeting in Turkey in one of the temporary protection centres for Syrians and this invitation was accepted by the participants. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Iraqi Foreign Minister, the Jordanian Minister of Planning and International Cooperation and high-level delegations from Lebanon and Egypt attended the meeting held in Şanlıurfa Harran Kökenli Container Temporary Protection Centre on 17 January 2014.

The third meeting which will be held in Jordan is intended to draw once more the attention of the international community to the situation of millions of Syrians who have escaped from their country due to the events in Syria and to determine the strategies for more responsibility and burden sharing with the neighbouring countries.

On this occasion, Foreign Minister Davutoğlu is expected to have bilateral meetings with other participants.