Press Release Regarding the Attack in Somalia

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 21.04.2014

No: 125, 21 April 2014

We strongly condemn the bomb attack perpetrated in Mogadishu today (21 April 2014), which resulted in the death of the Member of the Federal Parliament of Somalia Isaak Mohamed Rino and injury of the Member of Parliament Mohamed Ali and many other innocent civilians.

We wish God's mercy upon Member of the Parliament Rino who lost his life in this heinous attack, convey our condolences to his family and wish a speedy recovery to seriously injured parliamentarian Mohamed Ali and injured civilians.
We expect that the perpetrators of this terror attack which targeted the people and representatives of the people of Somalia, will be arrested and brought to justice as soon as possible.

Turkey will resolutely maintain its support for bringing peace and stability to the friendly and brotherly people of Somalia.