Press Release Regarding the Reconciliation Agreement Reached between Fatah and Hamas

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 24.04.2014

No: 127, 24 April 2014

We welcome the agreement reached on 23 April between the delegations ofFatah and Hamas in Gaza regarding formation of a national unity government followed by elections in Palestine.

We hope that this agreement will pave the way for the formation of a government which will embrace all Palestinians through elections expected to be held until the end of the year and a just and comprehensive peace in the region. We believe that the unity of the Palestinians is imperative to a lasting and viable peace in the region.

Turkey will continue to stand in full solidarity with the brotherly Palestinian people on their way toward a free and independent State of Palestine, which has ensured its national unity and sovereignty to live in peace and security in its neighbourhood.